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Building Burgerlib

Windows host

Installing Burgerlib on a Win32 machine.

Step 1: Copying the SDKs onto your host machine.

Create a folder on your hard drive to copy all of the SDKs that you will be using. The usual place is C:\SDKs but you can place them anywhere you wish.

Once the folder is created, you need to copy and unzip these basic SDKs into their respective folders. The links below will download the current stable versions of the respective folder.

For best use, an environment variable needs to be set up to point to the SDKs directory. The easiest way is to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Editing your system registry is acceptable as well, but this way it is easier to modify if you decide to move the folder somewhere else.

Insert this line into your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file.


Step 2: Accessing the SDKs from the environment.

For each target in your Win32 project, you need to add these folders into the include and link include directories so the headers and the libraries can be found. Please note the use of quotes, it will allow the variable $(BURGER_SDKS) to contain a space.

Include directories for Visual Studio .NET 2003.

In Configuration Properties: C/C++ : General : Additional Include Directories...


In Configuration Properties: Linker : General : Additional Library Directories...


Access paths for Codewarrior 9.4.

In the menu bar, select Edit : Preferences... : General : Source Trees...

Create the name of "BURGER_SDKS" and set the path to the folder where the SDKS are.

The typical combination is Name = BURGER_SDKS and the environment variable is SDKS which usually resolves to C:\SDKS.

For each project, in Settings : Target Settings Panels: Target: Access Paths


Step 3: Include the proper library for your target.

Include only one of these libraries for the build target.

Libraries for Visual Studio .NET 2003.

  • burgervc7w32dbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information.
  • burgervc7w32int.lib for full optimizations and debug information.
  • burgervc7w32rel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information.

Libraries for Visual Studio .NET 2005.

  • burgervc8w32dbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information.
  • burgervc8w32int.lib for full optimizations and debug information.
  • burgervc8w32rel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information.

Libraries for Codewarrior 9.4.

  • burgerc50w32dbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information.
  • burgerc50w32int.lib for full optimizations and debug information.
  • burgerc50w32del.lib for full optimizations and no debug information.

Libraries for Open Watcom 1.9.

  • burgerwatw32dbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information.
  • burgerwatw32int.lib for full optimizations and debug information.
  • burgerwatw32rel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information.

Building with Visual Studio 2008

Q: The error "`__cpuindex()` is not an intrinsic" is appearing when building Burgerlib.

A: Install Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 to get rid of this error.

macOS host

Step 1: Installing development software

Using a PowerPC Mac running with MacOSX Leopard

Install these applications

Using an Intel Mac macOS Mavericks or higher

Install these applications

Step 2: Copying the SDKs onto your host machine.

Create a folder on your hard drive to copy all of the SDKs that you will be using. The usual place is SDKS off of your boot volume, but you can place them anywhere you wish.

Once the folder is created, you need to copy and uncompress these basic SDKS into their respective folders. The links below will download the current stable versions of the respective folder.

Step 3: Accessing the SDKs in the build environment.

Access paths for Codewarrior 8.3 or 10.0.

In the menu bar, select Edit : Preferences... : General : Source Trees...

Create the name of "BURGER_SDKS" and set the path to the folder where the SDKS are.

The typical combination is Name = BURGER_SDKS and the Path = /SDKs.

For each project, in Settings : Target Settings Panels: Target: Access Paths


Step 4: Include the proper library for your target.

Include only one of these libraries for the build target.

Libraries for Codewarrior 10.0 / PowerPC.

  • burgerc10macppcdbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information (Classic only).
  • burgerc10macppcdbf.lib for full optimizations and debug information (Classic only).
  • burgerc10macppcrel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (Classic only).
  • burgerc10carppcdbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information (Carbon for OS9 and OSX).
  • burgerc10carppcdbf.lib for full optimizations and debug information (Carbon for OS9 and OSX).
  • burgerc10carppcrel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (Carbon for OS9 and OSX).
  • burgerc10osxdbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information (OSX Mach-O).
  • burgerc10osxdbf.lib for full optimizations and debug information (OSX Mach-O).
  • burgerc10osxrel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (OSX Mach-O).

Codewarrior 8.3 / 68k classic only.

  • burgercw868kdbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information.
  • burgercw868kdbf.lib for full optimizations and debug information.
  • burgercw868krel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information.
  • burgercw868kdbgfar.lib for no optimizations and debug information (Far data).
  • burgercw868kdbffar.lib for full optimizations and debug information (Far data).
  • burgercw868krelfar.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (Far data).
  • burgercw868kcfmdbg.lib for no optimizations and debug information (Code fragment).
  • burgercw868kcfmdbf.lib for full optimizations and debug information (Code fragment).
  • burgercw868kcfmrel.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (Code fragment).
  • burgercw868kcfmdbgfar.lib for no optimizations and debug information (Code fragment, Far data).
  • burgercw868kcfmdbffar.lib for full optimizations and debug information (Code fragment, Far data).
  • burgercw868kcfmrelfar.lib for full optimizations and no debug information (Code fragment, Far data).